KUALA LUMPUR, Jul 19: The Federation of Private Medical Practitioners’ Associations (FPMPAM), which brings together more than 5,000 doctors nationwide, has urged Home minister Hishammuddin Hussein to release Sungai Siput member of parliament Dr Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj (right) and five other activists who are currently detained without trial.
"It is with trepidation that we, as fellow doctors are writing to vouch for Dr. Michael Jeyakumar’s loyalty to the nation, a true Doctor dedicated to the welfare of his patients and an Honorable Member of Parliament," reads a letter signed by its president Dr. Steven KW Chow.
"Indeed it would be a great loss to the nation to deny him his freedom and to deprive the country of his services and the thousands of patients that so desperately need his care and expertise as their doctor and chest physician," it added.
Describing Jeyakumar as a "law-abiding, competent, kind and diligent doctor", the Federation said he was far from "a threat to our society".
Dr Jeyakumar, who has since been warded for his heart condition at the National Heart Insitute in Kuala Lumpur, together with five other members of Parti Sosialis Malaysia, have been detained under the draconian Emergency Ordinance for "waging war against the Agong".
FPMPAM, founded in 1976, is the national body representing doctors in private practice in Malaysia, grouping seven state-level associations comprising of over 5.000 members.
The latest statement by the doctors is the second such open criticism from the medical fraternity over the government's handling of events leading to the Bersih protest as well as the police handling of the massive rally for electoral reforms on July 9.
Last week, eleven doctors and surgeons condemned the police action of firing teargas into the compounds of the Tung Shin and Chinese Maternity hospitals along Jalan Pudu, a charge which the Health ministry and police had both denied in spite of video evidences.
The letter by FPMPAM meanwhile described Jeyakumar as continuing his family's tradition of serving the public through charitable deeds.
"Dr Jeyakumar himself has been known for his social work since his days as a medical student when he volunteered his time giving tuition to poor children from squatter and estate families. He subsequently served with the Ministry of Health spending considerable time in rural postings all over the country and selflessly serving the rakyat," it said, adding that Jeyakumar's present private practice served mainly the underprivileged from all ethic backgrounds.
As such, FPMPAM said Jeyakumar's "immense social conscience and the highest ethical professional duty to the country" should be honored.
"In his career as a Member of Parliament, he ran his campaign honorably and peacefully. He is not known to advocate anything that is illegal or unlawful.
"This is a man of integrity who is law-abiding and honest," the letter went on, and also called on others who had been detained alongside Jeyakumar to be released, adding that the people "will no doubt respond positively to your political acumen and astuteness."
Are you sure RAKYAT not support BERSIH?
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The police confirmed a report was lodged and they are looking into the
5 hours ago
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