Yesterday brother Firdaus Madzlan or more student-friendly among Muslims in Egyptas Ust Alang. Received a call from a doctor lectures at Darul IFTA 'Misriyyah. That he had been expelled from the university on the grounds that there is a problem with the embassy in Egypt. Most likely it is because he is a promoter of Egypt BERSIH 2.0 recently.

The question now, why only in Egypt take action? BERSIH 2.0 Is not organized around the world? In Australia, Japan, Taiwan, United Kingdom, U.S. and others? Is just because he is a Malay Muslim students, then that imposed on him? If the government wishes to impose such action, let's just, the law of all organizers or others involved in similar actions elsewhere. Do not just because we the Malays, you dare to take action, than other nations? This double standard attitude of the government.
BERSIH 2.0 San Franscissco
What's wrong with organizing BERSIH 2.0 in Egypt or around the world? Whereas it is implemented to support and demand towards the elections are free and more just. In fact, it is done safely and with no provocation and chaos. So, where or on what grounds he was sentenced? If the alleged rebel against the King, where the utter anceor action that broke? In the King himself said no statement is issued against Bersih rally, but he only advised that the collection / street protests to bring more harm than good even though its original good intentions.

Paradise brothers are studying advanced courses to become a mufti at the Darul IFTA'Misriyyah. He will be graduating on July 25, after three years spent to qualify to be apotential mufti had berputih points, on the ground organizing BERSIH 2.0 and it has nothing to do with the law or university error. Just as it gets instructions from the embassy, he was denied.
Is this the democracy and openness of the government? Whereas in Egypt, or theMalaysian students studying abroad in no way bound by the Universities and University Colleges Act (UUCA) which enables it to be action contained in the act. It is unfortunate and sad that the actions taken by the government for narrow political.

Is this the democracy and openness of the government? Whereas in Egypt, or theMalaysian students studying abroad in no way bound by the Universities and University Colleges Act (UUCA) which enables it to be action contained in the act. It is unfortunate and sad that the actions taken by the government for narrow political.

What's wrong with organizing BERSIH 2.0 in Egypt or around the world? Whereas it is implemented to support and demand towards the elections are free and more just. In fact, it is done safely and with no provocation and chaos. So, where or on what grounds he was sentenced? If the alleged rebel against the King, where the utter anceor action that broke? In the King himself said no statement is issued against Bersih rally, but he only advised that the collection / street protests to bring more harm than good even though its original good intentions.
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